Oatley Senior Campus

Georges River College

Telephone02 8567 3700


Homework Policy




GRC Oatley supports homework and recognises the role homework and assignments play in the learning process. Teachers, students and parents should be aware of their responsibilities in relation to homework as outlined in this policy.



Homework includes set assignments or tasks, completion of unfinished class work, performance practice, reading prescribed texts, working on major projects, practical works or revision and summarising the day's work.



Homework will be educationally beneficial and meet the realistic expectations of students, teachers, parents and caregivers.Homework should be a purposeful learning experience which consolidates and/or enriches the curriculum. Homework is constructive, meaningful, engaging, relevant and valid.

  • Teachers will set work for home study. This provides opportunities for consolidation, practice, reflection, revision, research, writing, investigating, reading and enrichment and extension activities.
  • Teachers will give clear guidelines on what is expected in terms of purpose, time allocation, processes, product and marking criteria. 
  • Teachers will consult students before setting return dates for homework.
  • Teachers will periodically monitor the progress of large assignments and projects.
  • Teachers will keep records of work completed.
  • Teachers will notify parents if homework/assignments are repeatedly unsatisfactory or not completed.
  • Teachers will check homework and provide appropriate positive feedback and advice for     improvement within a reasonable time frame.
  • Head Teachers and Student Advisers will interview and support students if particular problems are identified.



  • Students have a responsibility to complete homework as part of their course work and to apply themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by the school. Homework assists students to develop independent study and time management skills.
  • Students will record all due dates in their diary.
  • Students will follow school practices for Academic Integrity including the correct referencing system, use of cover sheets and All My Own Work (a mandatory online course to be completed by all HSC students - required by the Board of Studies).
  • Students should strive to develop an effective individual study timetable and implement effective   study skills.
  • Where there is no specific homework set, students should revise each day's work as part of their          homework and study program.
  • Students should be aware of the importance of not leaving homework until the last minute and to use effective time management and their school diaries.
  • Students should see their teachers about any concerns with homework and assignments.



  • The school assumes that it has the support of parents in valuing homework as an essential part of HSC preparation.
  • Parents/guardians will provide a place and desk for homework/assignments and study.
  • Parents/guardians will support their son or daughter in completing homework/assignments on time.
  • Parents are expected to support the school's monitoring processes by discussing with their son or daughter any concerns raised by the school.
  • Parents should feel free to communicate with Head Teachers if issues about homework emerge.