Oatley Senior Campus

Georges River College

Telephone02 8567 3700



Payments from students are receipted between 8 am and 8:55 am, plus recess and lunch. Payments from parents can be receipted from 8 am until 2 pm. No money can be handed in and held over until the next day. Payment can be made by cash, cheque, credit card/EFTPOS and POP Parent Online Payment.

  • Cheques should be made payable to 'Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus' and crossed. No change can be given if a cheque is incorrect.
  • For POP payment the link can be found on our home page.

Variation to fees

If a student enrols or leaves part way through a calendar year there will be a pro-rata reduction in fees or refunds. Similarly, students undertaking an accumulation pattern of studies will have their fees split over the period of accumulation.