Welcome to Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus, a place of learning, where we continue to:
- Build student capacity that engenders high expectations and autonomy and that facilitates problem solving, critical thinking and intellectual risk taking in a challenging environment.
- Enrich the quality of teacher practice where personal reflection and feedback on evidence informed practice leads to challenge, engagement and innovation for students.
- Build an inclusive educational environment that supports wellbeing and fosters the values of respect, responsibility and excellence, in order to inspire strong community connections and develop global citizens.
GRC Oatley Senior Campus is a dynamic learning community committed to providing a rich, safe and enjoyable educational environment. We have a harmonious multicultural population and our parent and community support is outstanding.
I believe that now more than ever students today face many challenges that their parents could only have imagined. For many of our students the career that they will eventually pursue has not yet been invented. Students currently at school will have to cope with an average of five changes to their career path within their working lives and will most likely undertake a combination of full time, part time and retraining work throughout their careers. We want students to leave GRC Oatley Senior Campus as critical thinkers, collaborative and creative problem solvers and effective communicators.
Our school offers a wide range of teaching and learning programs. Our very broad curriculum provides unique opportunities for all students to engage in a diverse learning experience. Our team of experienced and dedicated teachers focuses upon quality teaching with a particular emphasis upon strategies to address the needs of all students in a senior school context. I have a responsibility to continue to provide an environment that provides opportunities for all staff to continue to learn, reflect on their practice and improve collaboratively for the benefit of our students.
Creating Your Future is a motto that speaks to our students’ character and the qualities they develop as a graduate of this school. We are committed to responding to the current and future needs of individual learner. We encourage students to recognise their strengths and weaknesses, and in doing so be able to establish the navigation points that will lead to personal growth and the fulfilment of potential.
GRC Oatley Senior Campus has an energetic and vibrant school community in which its dedicated students, committed teachers, and engaged parents/carers consistently work together to ensure that every students receives the best possible outcome in their education. Our school culture is based on our values and will embrace the history, traditions, cultural diversity, community interests, goals and strengths that are brought to the learning environment by all students and families.
The positive profile of GRC Oatley Senior Campus in our local community continues to be a focus. It is for all these reasons that I believe GRC Oatley Senior Campus is the school of choice and one in which every student will be known, cared for and valued.
Anna Girginis