Oatley Senior Campus

Georges River College

Telephone02 8567 3700



Attendance will be recorded through Finger Scanning technology on arrival every day. If a student is absent from school without a legitimate reason, an SMS will be sent to the parent/carer’s mobile phone on the day of the absence.

A return message indicating the reason for absence is necessary as a legal record explaining the absence.  A parent can also explain an absence through an email, phone call or a written note on return of absence. Absence notes must be brought to reception when returning to school, or within 7 days of your return. Medical certificates are required for absences over 3 days. If notes are not submitted within a week of return, the absence will be officially entered as ‘Unexplained’. This can jeopardize a student’s position in a course as well as adversely affect things like Youth Allowance payments. Unexplained absences are recorded on your reports and followed up with parents through the attendance audit.

If you know prior that your child will be absent, please email a note to explain the intended absence.

Late arrival

Late arrival should be avoided due to its disruptive effect on lessons and the school routine.

A late student must report to reception for a late slip. Teachers will check attendance every lesson. We expect every student to attend all timetabled lessons. Frequent absences can jeopardize your position in a course, as this limits your ability to sufficiently meet course outcomes and students with excellent attendance are recognised every term with awards.

Early leavers

It is expected that a student attends school for the entire day.

In cases where a student is unable to attend due to a specialist appointment or other reasons, students must obtain an early leave pass. Students may be asked by authorities for authorisation when offsite out of school hours. Notes seeking permission to be excused from school for legitimate reasons are to be taken to the Deputy Principal before school or during Break 1. If a student does not report with a note explaining their early leave request, parents/carers will be required to personally sign out their child. Due to safety reasons, phone calls will not be accepted.


The Department of Education no longer allows exemptions to be given for family holidays during term.

Absence for this reason may be classified as 'Unjustified'.  For Family Holidays greater than 4 days, completion of an extended leave travel form is required. In this instance, the absence will be recorded as 'Explained, Leave'.

Application for extended leave

GRC Oatley Senior Campus supports students who undertake elite non-school co-curricular activities in sport, the arts or other endeavours.

In these cases, an exemption form must be submitted 7 days before the absence. With approved exemptions, leave is noted as 'Explained', 'Exempt' on the official attendance roll. Applications forms can be collected from Reception.

Unfortunately poor attendance, even for genuine reasons, may mean unsatisfactory completion of a course under NESA requirements. Student attendance including lateness to school and class, is audited weekly.