The study of mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.
By studying mathematics, students learn to work mathematically – developing fluency, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning and communication skills.
The syllabus consists of the following strands:
- number and algebra
- measurement and geometry
- statistics and probability.
In Year 11 and 12, the study of mathematics is optional. Courses offered include:
- Mathematics Extension 2 (Year 12 only)
- Mathematics Extension 1
- Mathematics Advanced
- Mathematics Standard 2
- Mathematics Standard 1 (Optional HSC examination)
- Mathematics Life Skills.
Mathematics at GRC Oatley Senior Campus provides students with the opportunity to be able to examine, and understand situations in their everyday lives and be active citizens. It can be the basis for successful decision-making and problem solving in every industry. It is the tool and language of many sciences. It helps us recognize patterns and understand the world around us.
Students may choose from a number of different Mathematics courses dependent on their level of achievement in Stage 5. We also offer the opportunity for students to participate in a range of competitions such as The Australian Mathematics Competition and ICAS Mathematics. During these competitions, students are able to demonstrate their higher order thinking and problem solving skills.
In Year 11 students can study mathematics in one of three courses:
- Year 11 Mathematics Standard
- Year 11 Mathematics Advanced
- Year 11 Mathematics Extension
In Year 12 students can study mathematics in the following courses:
- Mathematics Standard 1 or Mathematics Standard 2
- Year 12 Mathematics Advanced
- Year 12 Mathematics Extension 1
- Year 12 Mathematics Extension 2
All courses are Board Developed courses and are examined at the HSC.
Yr 12 Mathematics Standard 1 allows students to elect an optional HSC examination. The examination mark may be used by the Universities Admission Centre (UAC) to contribute to the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
Mathematics Standard
Students who intend to study either the Mathematics Standard 1 Year 12 course or the Mathematics Standard 2 Year 12 course must undertake this Year 11 course.
The course covers the following topics:
- Algebra (Formulae and Equations, Linear Relationships)
- Measurement (Applications of Measurement, Working with Time)
- Financial Mathematics (Money Matters)
- Statistical Analysis (Data Analysis, Relative Frequency and Probability)
Mathematics Standard 1
This Year 12 course offers students the opportunity to prepare for post-school options of employment or further training.
The course covers the following topics:
- Algebra (Types of Relationships)
- Measurement (Right –angled triangles. Rates and Scale Drawings)
- Financial Mathematics (Investment and Depreciation and Loans)
- Statistical Analysis (Further Statistical Analysis)
- Networks (Networks and Paths)
Mathematics Standard 2
This Year 12 course offers students the opportunity to prepare for a wide range of educational and employment aspirations, including continuing their studies at a tertiary level.
The course covers the following topics:
- Algebra (Types of Relationships)
- Measurement (Non-right –angled triangles. Rates and Ratios)
- Financial Mathematics (Investment and Loans, Annuities)
- Statistical Analysis (Bivariate Data Analysis and The Normal Distribution)
- Networks (Network Concepts and Critical Path Analysis)
Mathematics Advanced
This course provides an appropriate mathematical background for students whose future pathways may involve mathematics and its applications in a range of disciplines at the tertiary level. This course is recommended for students who have studied at Year 10- Stage 5.3 with outcomes achieved at a highly developed level
The course covers the following topics:
Year 11
- Functions (Working with Functions)
- Trigonometric Functions (Trigonometry and Measure of Angles, Trigonometric Functions and Identities)
- Calculus (Introduction to Differentiation)
- Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (Logarithms and Exponentials)
- Statistical Analysis (Probability and Discrete Probability Distributions)
Year 12
- Functions (Graphing Techniques)
- Trigonometric Functions (Trigonometric Functions and Graphs)
- Calculus (Differential Calculus, Applications of Differentiation, Integral Calculus)
- Financial Mathematics (Modelling Financial Situations)
- Statistical Analysis (Descriptive Statistics and Bivariate Data Analysis, Random Variables)
Mathematics Extension 1
This course provides an appropriate mathematical background for students whose future pathways may involve mathematics and its applications in such areas as science, engineering, finance and economics. This course is recommended for students who have studied at Year 10- Stage 5.3 with outcomes achieved at a highly developed level
This course needs to be taken concurrently with the Mathematics Advanced course.
The course covers the following topics:
Year 11
- Functions (Further Work with functions, Polynomials)
- Trigonometric Functions (Inverse trigonometric Functions, Further trigonometric identities)
- Calculus (Rates of Change)
- Combinatorics (Working with Combinatorics)
Year 12
- Proof (Proof by Mathematical Induction)
- Vectors (introduction to Vectors)
- Trigonometric Functions (Trigonometric Equations)
- Calculus (Further Calculus skills, Applications of Calculus)
- Statistical Analysis (Binomial Distribution)
Mathematics Extension 2
This course is available only in Year 12. This course provides an appropriate mathematical background for students whose future pathways may involve mathematics and its applications in such areas as science, engineering, finance and economics.
It must be taken concurrently with the Mathematics Advanced and Mathematics Extension 1 courses. It is designed to challenge those students who have had outstanding success in the Year 11 Mathematics Extension 1 course.
Mathematics Extension 2 covers the following topics:
- Proof (The Nature of Proof, Further Proof by Mathematical Induction.)
- Vectors (Further work with vectors)
- Complex Numbers (Introduction to complex numbers, Using Complex Numbers)
- Calculus (Further Integration)
- Mechanics (Application of Calculus to Mechanics)