Parental engagement recognises the important role that both parents and teachers play in developing positive attitudes towards learning and education for children, building their motivation and confidence as learners, and fostering their enjoyment of learning.
Our Communication channels are as follows:
- Two reports are issued each year as well as a progress letter at the end of Term1 in Year 11. These are mailed home where the General Service Fee is paid.
- School newsletters are emailed to families who have supplied an email address - 2 per term – as well as being placed on the school website
- There are two Parent Teacher Evenings, one for each year. This is an additional way we report to parents.
- At mid and end of every term we do an attendance check and course progress checks. Letters are sent to parents about any student whose attendance or progress is of concern. Attendance Letters are sent for unexplained absences.
- Non Award (N) Warnings are sent any time a student is deemed not to be meeting course requirements or when an assessment task is missed which could put their course in jeopardy since the Board of Studies requires students to attempt tasks in excess of marks worth 50%
- SMS are sent daily if a student is absent. For repetitive or serious misbehaviour and partial truancy, a Suspension Warning Letter is sent.
- If we have any concerns about a student’s wellbeing, we phone home.
- The school has an Annual Welcome Function in Term 1.
- The school offers parents the opportunity to attend Student Performances such as the School Musical and HSC Expo’s in Visual Arts, Dance, Drama and Music.
- A website is available and being further developed for students and their families.
- The P & C holds Parent Information Sessions addressing issues of interest to parents of adolescents.